Cable industry, production of hoses and tubes


Devices for cooling conductors and hoses behind extrusion head – different types of cooling troughs, according to the type of cooled product, production speeds and required temperation of insulation

Drying of surfaces

Equipment for drying the surface of manufactured products. Different variants are available using pressurized air or a separate air pump.

Rewinding lines

Complete rewinding lines. Custom-made solutions according to customer’s requirement and space possibilities.

Taping lines

Complete taping lines

Extrusion lines

Complete extrusion lines for cable sheathing, but also for the production of individual extruded profiles.

Ringing lines

Lines for winding cable rings with automatic strapping or boxing


Band, half-band and wheeled caterpillars

Lenght measuring units

Contact (wheel or belt) or non-contact (laser) length measurement

Taping (strapping) devices

Tangential taping machines

Dancers & accumulators

Speed compensation devices and product accumulation for continuous production

Sídlo společnosti

CABMAT, s. r. o.
Dolany 95
273 51  Unhošť

IČO: 47118709
DIČ: CZ47118709


+420 602 226 857