
  • is accomplished partly in our own premises in the seat of the company and partly at subcontractors
  • the head of production is in charge of the performance of the whole section and arrangement of cooperation
  • the allocation of jobs, planning, material preparation and quality control is in the hands of the foreman of production
  • the allocation of jobs for machine tools is the task of the foreman of the machine shop
  • we work on CNC machine tools – milling machine 36MB, milling machine 51MB, lathe ST225x1000, lathe ST285x2000, surface grinding machine BHU-2701 CNC
  • we work on conventional machine tools – horizontal machine tool WH80, lathe SV18, lathe SUI40, milling machine Ajax, beam drilling machine MAS


Assembly and welding

  • takes place in a newly built hall, which is designed and equipped exclusively for these activities
  • the main equipment includes a 10t gantry crane and a filter unit with extraction in the welding room
  • welding is divided into two separate sections – welding of common carbon steel and welding of stainless steel
  • we welding in CO2 protective atmosphere and by TIG method
  • the remaining part of the hall is dedicated to the assembly and recovery of our machines and equipment


Production and assembly of switchboards

  • is an integral part of our business
  • takes place in the original assembly workshop, which has been replaced by a newly built hall
  • meets all our needs and we do not have to rely on external suppliers
  • we have all the necessary equipment and a fairly extensive range of used elements and components in stock


Sídlo společnosti

CABMAT, s. r. o.
Dolany 95
273 51  Unhošť

IČO: 47118709
DIČ: CZ47118709


+420 602 226 857